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How does Maev Raw Food work?
We always recommend starting with a profile - this will help us recommend the right amount and frequency of food -- but you can always edit these up/down. When you first sign up, you’ll choose how much food to order, and how often you want it to arrive. We’ll ship your first box within 3-7 days of your order, and you’ll see an email 3-7 days before every future box ships.
Your first box will come with transition instructions, nutrition breakdowns, and portioning info. Most people feed two meals each day, and we generally recommend keeping your current feeding schedule; Maev works for free feeding or discrete meals. Store the raw food in your freezer and serve frozen. No thawing or cooking needed. Most dogs love the texture of the frozen cubes, but if yours doesn’t, let the food thaw at room temp for about 10 minutes before serving. You know your dog best!
You can cancel, pause, or change your subscription any time by connecting with our Care Team.
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